the silencing of women is so loud
ink on mulberry paper
20 metres in length
the silencing of women is so loud – Jasmin Thomas
The vacuum of silence exists in the moments when you are too
busy, when you are trapped in it, making it impossible to be heard.
The voice inside our heads is the only one loud enough, but we
are unable to respond. Silence pervades within a power struggle
with self and self-worth.
Women have learned to labour and to wait their turn in the long
fade of time. Time passes at the same rate for men and women,
60 minutes to an hour, 24 hours in a day. Social change doesn’t
move at the same pace for everyone.
For some the movement and the movie is silent.
When women are undervalued the currency of the collective
is in jeopardy. Women must not live an individualistic life if they
want to be heard, it is in collective numbers that there is a
voice. The silt of tomorrow is created from the behaviours of today.
When society silences you, it becomes internalized. You begin to
internalize it and accept it because everything sinks into the heart.
The continuous sounds of women’s silence is deafening. Each word
spoken or not spoken has a weight, a volume that invades a
space in the heart and mind. Women are silenced by men,
by society, by other women and by the voices inside their heads.